Privacy Policy

Information we collect

We use Firebase (a Google service, and Google Analytics ( to track how our app is performing. These services tell us:

These services also give us app crash reports so that we can identify parts of our app that are not functioning properly. Finally, these services tell us how much time users spend in each part of the app.

None of this information is "personally identifiable". This information does not tell us who our individual users are. If you would like to opt out of sharing this information, go to "Settings" and tap to remove the checkmark beside "Share usage data".

Why we collect this information

The information we collect allows us to ensure that the app is functioning well for our users. For example, knowing the OS version allows us to make the app more efficient by dropping support for older OSes. Other information also helps us determine if the app is useful for our intended audience.

We do not sell our user information or use it for any purposes other than the ways mentioned above.

User accounts

If you choose to create a user account, we will be able to see the email address you use for the account. User accounts allow you to sync your highlights, notes, etc. between devices. Again, we will not use any user information for any purpose other than stated above.

Further questions

If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us at

Please note: if you contact us using the Contact form, you will be providing us your email address. We will only use your email address for replying to your comments.